Our Projects

HelpLine Support for individuals with drug & alcohol abuse


* Our projects are undertaken by our Ministry of Helps. We have here in the United Kingdom our HelpLine Project that provide support for individuals that have problems of addiction with alcohol and drugs. With ultimate orientation for rehabilitation:

Our Miinistry of Helps is committed to participating in the life of the community, supporting people on the street, the homeless, and  the less-privileged widows, to help them find hope and meaningful life with God. To enable them to regain their place in society through specific spiritual support and mental health support educational programmes. The ministry is also committed to providing material assistance to these people on the street as we recieve them in the office every other month. Matthew 25 : 40, Jesus said, in as much as you have done something for one of these least, you have done it for me.

Our Ministry of Helps is sensitive to our identity in Christ as Salt of the earth that make impact in our communities, our society. Matthew 5 : 13 - 15, "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness or flavour, with what will it be salted again ? It is no longer good for anything, other than to be thrown out and be thrown out and be trampled underfoot by men. You are the light of the world. A city on a mountain cannot be hidden; And you don't light a lamp to put it under the bushel, but you put it on the candlestick, and it illuminates everyone in the house".


  (Providing Psychosocial and Material support)


Our support and welfare team is at your disposal to provide support based on God's word in Acts 6 : 1 - 3, "At that time, as the number of disciples increased, the Hellenists murmured against the Hebrews, because their widows were neglected in the distribution that was done every day. The twelve summoned the multitude of disciples, and said, It is not proper for us to leave the word of God to serve at the tables. Therefore, brethren, choose from among you seven men, of whom a good witness is given, who are full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, and whom we will charge with this mission".


Economic Empowerment Project for Under-pivileged Widows 

Scholarship Scheme for Less-privileged Children and Orphans

The House Of Hope Ministries International also provide grants to widowed women in Nigeria and Cameroon to economically empower them to establish and operate small and medium scale businesses as a way to provide relief to them from poverty and financial hardships. The business grants are to alleviate poverty and financial hardship for these widowed women who ordinarily suffer from poverty in Africa. 

The grants towards the economic empowerment of widowed women will be disbursed through the organisation's partner and agent in Nigeria and Cameroon respectively who will ensure that the beneficiaries receive the grants in their bank accounts. The beneficiaries will receive the grants after a thorough screening and selection process in line with the set funding criteria agreed by the Board of Trustees and contained in the Grantmaking policy. 

The beneficiaries of the business grants will be required to provide monthly reports (including pictures, financial statements and receipts evidencing expenses) to the board of trustees on the progress of their business as well as share the challenges being faced by their businesses for the duration of at least one year following their receipt of the funds. The agents and partners of the organisation will also visit the physical locations of the businesses as part of their follow-up exercise.

The Foundation was established to further alliviate financial hardship and illitracy by providing grants to less privileged children and orphans aged 5-17 years in Nigeria and Cameroon to support their education.

 The educational grants will be provided in the form of tuition fees for the beneficiaries. This will be paid directly to the educational facility or institution providing the education to the beneficiaries. The beneficiaries of the educational grant will receive the grant upon satisfying the funding criteria agreed by the Board of Trustees.